Whether I had a good day or a bad day became absolutely dependent upon my weight loss.
How has it come to this?
My day should be defined by the fact that I have woken up safe, sound, secure and loved in my own home.
It should be defined by the wonderful, amazing people that I have in my life. It should be determined by me. Not a number in a window, not the total loss for the day or week. I had once again allowed my weight to control me and define me.
Well! No longer fellow travellers.
No longer will I wake up in the middle of the night and "just step on the scales" no longer will I visit the bathroom 12 times in a day "just to check"

I will only step on them twice a week (Weigh in day and Sunday)
I will allow my husband to hide them.
I will weigh responsibly !!
This obsession has now officially been declared and I am waging war on those numbers.
Fellow travellers if you read this and see even a glimmer of yourselves please remember always
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