Friday, 25 January 2013

Once more unto the breach! (dear friends)

Yes, fellow travellers that time again,
 Back to School
Bitter Sweet, the mum in me says YAY, the teacher in me is groaning.
Where did all the time go?
 How am I going to fit it all in?
But: I am going back to school a far different person from the one who started these holidays.
Not only is my body clean but my mind has followed suit (no, I still have those thoughts when watching Magic Mike :)) I mean my mind is free from most of the clutter that previously had me doubting myself and disliking the person I was.
I am walking into those school gates feeling like I can take on the world without all of the armour that I had. Over 30kgs less armour. (Big Grin)

I'm feeling invincible right now and waiting for those little darlings to "bring it on!"

Keep watching this space as I am sure that the term ahead will be fraught with incredible highs and some disappointing lows. I am stronger, fitter, fiercer and more fabulous than the person who said goodbye 7 short weeks ago. I am not coming out fighting anymore. I am a calmer more self assured person. I will stand my ground in a calm, quiet and compassionate way. (Although I am sure my mouth with run away with itself at times) I am no longer that person who hides within a shell. I have broken out fellow travellers.... So those haters better WATCH OUT !!!!!!!

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