Friday, 8 February 2013

Band Aids! (Rip it off)

Fellow travellers we reach the end of another 12WBT round and it's time to reflect on the round that was.
Firstly I have to say, what kind of stupid fool decides to do a strict eating plan over Christmas?
Well, that fool is me!
After a great start to round 3 and limping in at the finish I knew my road ahead was going to be a tough one. I knew that if I was to make the REAL change (the one inside) I had to re commit to the program. So despite not following the last 2 weeks of round 3 I persevered. At that point 4 friends(who had been watching my progress on facebook) told me that they felt so inspired by my weightloss, that they too were joining the program. This was both an ego boast and a fright at the same time.
Now I couldn't fail! What would I say to these people?
More importantly what would I say to myself?
So for round 4 2012, I decided that maybe I was going to be okay. Unfortunately the last two weeks of round 3 intensified into the first 4 weeks of round 4. I didn't gain weight but I wasn't watching the type of food I ate, just the calories. Christmas came and I had my own epiphany (no I was not under the influence) My psyche needs to be fixed as well as my body. Unless my mindset was on the right track my weightloss wouldn't be. My perception of food was my undoing, I didn't see food as a fuel, I saw it as a band aid for my soul. A one stop fix it all shop. That thinking is what got me to this point. The belief that, no matter how much I hurt inside, a doughnut could fix it, but that one doughnut would turn into 12 doughnuts and while I was eating them I forgot my troubles but when they were gone I hated myself more (sound familiar?)

If Round 4 was not going to become a total washout then I had to rethink my whole life. So I decided to become totally accountable and open up my most painful experiences and thoughts to public scrutiny. So I started a blog (yes, fellow travellers, this blog) I set about cauterizing those wounds and ripping off the band aid. I exposed myself (no, do not avert your eyes, METAPHORICALLY people) and just said it as it was. I was amazed that it really worked, I started to feel better about myself and where I was going. I laughed more often, heartier and longer than I ever did. I started to like myself.
My weight loss this round was not as great as my first round. I went from 107kgs to 94kgs. But I have gained so much spiritually, emotionally and personally that I can say that this round has been a resounding success. Which has taught me that there are a myriad of wins along the way.
It's not about the weight. It's about what got you there in the first place.
Will I be travelling this road for another round. Absolutely fellow travellers, I'm walking right beside you :)

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