This is a blog post I have been pondering on long and hard fellow travellers as I believe that it may herald the end of a friendship with some of my fellow 12WBT 30+ group.

Before you close the page in disgust let me clarify a few things. I have done 3 rounds of the program ( last round I gained... my fault) and including preseason I have lost over 30 kilos. I have paid my hard earned cash to participate in this and have gone into it with my eyes wide open. I think that the meal plans (on the whole) are well laid out and incredibly tasty and varied ( this is probably due more to an extremely talented group of nutritionist rather than any one person)
I have never kept to the exercise plan so have no comment to make on that.
I have never read a Michelle Bridges 12WBT email (these are set to go directly to Junk)
I have never watched a "mindset video"( I find Michelle's voice and demeanour extremely patronising and irritating)
Therefore the only part of the program that I have found has any significance for me is the food plan. Why do the program then? I hear you roar.
I've thought about that and two reasons spring to mind;
1: I knew I needed to make a change in my life diet and exercise wise.
2: It was there.
Is it any better than any other program that most PTs could devise? Probably not.
So why do I think that this plan is growing in popularity?

All of the hard work and dedication is overlooked in the quest to find the most marketable story at the lowest cost. Yes, it is still about weight loss... there's no sugar coating it, this is a weight loss program... Attending the finale I also saw that this program is also about very strategic game playing. It's about how popular you can become, how many followers you can achieve with your blog. How active you are on the facebook pages. I saw adult women standing in awe of Michelle Bridges, hanging on her every word. Followers of a very well oiled marketing phenomenon rather than a genuine person with charisma and personality.. ( only my opinion ladies )
My husband had always joked about the 12WBT cult ... after witnessing and listening to some of the shenanigans on Saturday I don't wholly disagree with him.
The one thing that I found helped me enormously was the 30+ 12WBT facebook page. When I first joined 3 long rounds ago I found these ladies to be welcoming, supportive and above all generous in spirit. I have seen this page change as the program has changed.. Those supportive and caring women are still there but I have seen some people turn the page into a negative whining forum about how shit their lives are and how other people have let them down or been responsible for their bad day/week/year/life ..... WE ALL HAVE A STORY.... MOST OF US HAVE STRUGGLED

I have also been disgusted at how there are people on the page who are prepared to lay out their financial struggles to the group in order to gain .. either in the form of sponsorship of rounds or workout gear or runners... DESPICABLE ... Most of the group are genuine, caring and kind hearted and for the very odd (I use that word advisedly) person to take advantage makes my blood boil.
So what am I going to do for next round????
I have joined Round 2 and I will be undertaking the food program and I will be exercising hard. I do intend to lose 20 - 25 kgs as this will take me to goal weight. I intend to hang around the forum (if they will have me now) and I intend to kick the arse out of this round. I will not be submitting my pictures or sharing my story with 12WBT ( I refuse to become their property) I will weigh myself every week and submit it. I will do my stats. I will continue blogging (it helps me gather my thoughts)
My final 12WBT question is: Where was the quiet achiever?
I would have to agree with you Lynn. As someone that was a quiet achiever this round- and didn't necessarily meet anyone in person before the finale- I found it disappointed in different ways. I in no way idolise Michelle- however I would have liked to have had a photo opportunity after paying my money to go to finale..
ReplyDeleteI found the atmosphere not positive for those who don't drink, who have struggled with over eating, and those who don't like club atmospheres. My comments about finale were met with some saying "what you didn't have fun? I had a ball!" And it felt like they were saying what was wrong with me! In reality- I thought it would be funner than it was, I didn't think it would be so hard to navigate around, I didn't think it was great that the photos with Mish were photoshopped and I hated that she has made thousands and couldn't stay until the end of the event. She is the brand- she is what people wanted to see more of and there was no opportunity to do so!
This is so spot on! I am so tired of hearing people say that they owe everything to Michelle - umm you did the hard work lady not her! Her team of nutritionists etc sold you the tools - she is merely the face behind it and the one making all the money.
ReplyDeleteNever one to shirk a contentious conversation, can you change this god awful background colour ? Just a thought but it is minging :-) to my knowledge Mad women never rant in beige lol xxx
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better myself :D
ReplyDeleteThe idolisation of MB annoys me. Also those that take advantage of the kindness of some members is unbelievable. If you can't afford the program don't do it.
ReplyDeleteMy work involves training people in Restorative Practice which is a great tool, I have developed a good training package but I haven't invented RP or anything close to that bloody clever any more the than this Michelle has invented weight loss. After one of my sessions one of the delegates came and told me she thought I was inspirational, I was quite taken by this when I went home and told my family they all fell on the floor, laughing hysterically, clutching their stomachs saying "what you?". That was the end of the big head ! took about 2 hours the same length of time as the drive home lol :-)
ReplyDeleteAfter personally watching this 'game' for over 12 months myself, I couldn't agree with you more. Good on you for having the intestinal fortitude to put it out there. You are definitely not alone in your thinking.