As you are aware fellow travellers I ventured down south, braved the Melbourne weather and attended the 12WBT workout and finale.
My weekend began with an early wakeup call and a 2 hour drive (avoiding the myriad of Roos and assorted Australian wildlife) to get to the marina in Airlie to catch the ferry. Arrived at said marina busting for a pee only to find the toilets out of action (was this a premonition of foreboding for the trip?)
Grabbed a coffee and hopped on the ferry to Hamilton Island Airport ( a glorious one hour smooth trip) When I arrived at the airport I found it hard to believe that I really live in such a magnificent part of the world. It is the most amazing place. After a short wait I was on a plane Melbourne bound.

Arriving at Melbourne airport 2 things hit me.. the cold and the Guess shop. Saw the most gorgeous pair of shoes with matching handbag but managed to rein in the urge to acquire them.
Ran out to the baggage pick up, grabbed my luggage and a cup of Gloria Jean's whilst waiting for a friend to arrive. It was at this point I realised just how tech savvy I really am.. I had put my phone onto flight mode (bloody Candy Crush) and was having an issue locating the correct format to change it back. A number of people took great delight in trying to tell me but I was determined to work it out for myself. 20 minutes and much gnashing of teeth and many expletives later the job was done. At which point I rang hubby who told me I should have bought not only the Guess shoes but the matching handbag. ..."I'll get them on the way home" I thought

We met up and jumped in a cab...since when did all the cab drivers become Indian?... this one also found it difficult to drive (as did most of the cabbies we encountered that weekend) We arrived at our hotel and pretty much started where we meant to end... said friend had brought a couple of boxes of Thornton's chocolates with her (you need to be English to understand the immense joy that brought)
We had one each (how well trained are we?) and headed out on the town. We stopped at a jolly little bar and ordered our first cocktail, of what was to be a long line of cocktails, of the night.
We then spent the rest of the night in TGI Fridays, forgetting the lessons that we had learned the previous 12 weeks... carbs, alcohol, fat, sugar all featured in our menu for that night. Walked back to the hotel..we both looked at each other and decided we needed to began a long night.
In the morning we grabbed breakie and headed to the 12wbt workout, another perilous cab ride away.
We got to the venue to find hundreds of suitably attired Michelle junkies and queued in the freezing cold for practically everything that was on offer. I was unable to do the workout because of previous surgery,,,so did my dexa scan and we headed out to shop.
That evening after getting our glad rags on we headed to the finale cocktail party. Again more MB junkies who were chomping at the bit to get their taste of Michelle. The cocktails turned out to be beer, wine or cheap sparkling.... the food was abundant and flocks gathered.
MB arrived and people hung on her every word for 10 minutes. Then spent most of the rest of the night trying to get a piece of MB... Not my thing so off back to the hotel I went.
When I came back home I blogged about this 12 WBT phenomenon and my thoughts and impressions of what I saw. This did not go down very well with the fb group and many many private hate messages (and a few in support )later, the link to the blog was removed by the admins..who had also been very uncomplimentary about my post. This I expected, but the thing that I did not expect was that people who I thought would support me remained extremely quiet, alarmingly so despite the fact that they had previously agreed with most of what I had said and actively encouraged me to put this to cyberworld. These people who I would have heard from a few times a day every day have stepped away, no comments on facebook, no messages, no calls... It seems that these people may also value the "game" and feel that to bring upon them the wrath of the admins is to forfeit their chance in this 12WBT merry go round. This makes me sad... not for me but sad that people do not feel able to voice anything that goes against the consensus. No matter how far people come they still want approval from the majority, they still want to be amongst the in-crowd... Striving for acceptance..

Fellow travellers I wish to end with a couple of quotes :
"He who stands for nothing falls for everything"
"When you please others in the hope of being accepted you lose yourself" Dave Pelzer
Lynn you learnt at your cost that the truth often hurts - follow nothing unless it is worth following. Don't judge others for their silence, they don't owe you support as you took your decision alone, treat those who disappoint you with compassion as they must need to be part of the group. Remember support is a gift not a obligation, congratulate yourself for your courage and move on to happier and healthier things knowing you have been true to yourself.
ReplyDeleteI do and I have moved forward. I dhaven't judged and I don't question the decision to be part of the group..It's sad that anyone feels that voicing an opinion will ostracise them from anyone. I on the other hand have always had a big mouth that I very often put my size 5"s in ...
Deleteand oh yes Thorntons - the pride of the North not a mamby pamby southern excuse for chocholates :-)
ReplyDeleteand don't buy the shoes you don't bloody need them !
ReplyDeleteYou can never have too many shoes Ms Russell. Actually I didn't get them the bloody shop was closed. However, there is an outlet in Brisbane close to the hotel I'll be staying in and I do have a VIP card :)