I have had ups and downs, highs and lows, losses and gains.
This round sees me at week 11 and having gained 1kg.... OMG!!! I hear everyone gasp....
"How did she manage to do that? Does this program work? What has she been doing?"
In answer to those questions:
I managed that by having a hysterectomy in week 4 of this round and not being able to exercise, not sticking to the plan totally and being a lil bit lazy.
I have lost over 30kgs in the 3 rounds I have done (including pre season ) Just not this round, so the program can work. I have managed to gain SOOOOOO much this round in terms of my mind set and my self worth... these gains have been wonderful and well worth the extra 1kg.
I am doing this final round because I still have a way to go with my food choices and I know that I can stick to the program and make it work. I'm not in it for any recognition (in fact I won't be submitting my pics this round) I am in it to become the best version of me that I can possibly be. I am in it because I need the structure right now to achieve that. I am in it because my family deserve to have me in their lives for many years to come. I am in it because I deserve to be in their lives and live those years .. Happy and Healthy ... I am in it because it has worked for me. I don't watch the mind set videos and enter into all of the banter (that's not me) But if people ask how I have managed to make positive changes in my life I tell them how and what 12 WBT has done for me.
So fellow travellers I am in this round to kick its arse and finish this cycle of my travels. See you there !!!